DMCA in the Digital Age: How Rights Holders are Fighting Back Against Rampant Web-Based Content Theft

Unfortunately, web-based content theft or online piracy has become easier and more convenient. Uploading and downloading copyrighted content can be done with a smartphone and accessing illegal streaming sites just takes a simple google search.

The DMCA or digital millennium copyright act was introduced in 1998 to protect the online content of rights holders. Despite this, online piracy continues to plague both the individual and larger companies.

In fact, according to MUSO, there was a 13% increase in publishing piracy sites and around 130.5 billion visits to piracy sites in 2020.

While these statistics may be demoralizing to content creators, there is a way to fight back against content theft and it starts with understanding what qualifies as online piracy.

What Qualifies as Web-Based Content Theft (Online Piracy)?

According to the DMCA, it is illegal for web users to upload or share content that does not belong to them whether that be photos, music, videos, articles, etc. without the content owner’s permission.

However, there are some exceptions to this rule. The fair use policy allows for “the limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the copyright owner.”

For example, a web user can use a portion of another’s video and add commentary to it without needing the permission of the copyright owner. Quotes from texts can also be used without needing permission from the owner.

Ultimately, instances of online piracy are usually easy to detect, but not necessarily easy to deal with. That being said, how are copyright owners fighting back against piracy?

How Are Right-Holders Fighting Back?

One of the main ways to combat online piracy is to issue a DMCA takedown notice. This notice will alert the offender of their wrongdoing (some instances of piracy are unintentional) and the need to “take down” the pirated content.

If the offender does not take down the stolen content, then the copyright owner can file a lawsuit to help recover any damages incurred.

Unfortunately, this method is not enough alone as non-US websites may not recognize the authority of the DMCA or simply ignore the notice altogether.

A more comprehensive approach to fighting online piracy involves enlisting the help of an anti-piracy agency that has the resources and knowledge to provide digital protection and stop pirates in their tracks.

Because it is pleasure, but because those who do this mistaken idea

Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it?

On that note, MyMedia Agency is a great example of an anti-piracy agency. At MyMedia Agency, we employ a variety of tactics to protect digital content and stop online piracy. We monitor your content across a variety of platforms and use rapid detection technology to help detect any pirated materials and take them down. On top of that, we have a wide network of contacts and collaborate with online businesses like social media networks to ensure any pirated content is taken down immediately. So, if you’re interested in learning more about what we can do or want to start protecting your content immediately, feel free to contact us.

Final Thoughts

All in all, while online piracy has become easier to pull off, there are ways to fight against it. One of the best ways is to enlist the help of anti-piracy professionals such as MyMedia Agency

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