Protect your intellectual property on Telegram with our ultra-fast DMCA takedown service. We specialize in removing copyright-infringing content across Telegram channels, groups, and bots. As one of the few companies with privileged access to Telegram, we offer rapid content removal and intensive follow-ups to ensure your content stays protected.
Why Choose Our Service?
- Exclusive Access to Telegram: We are among the rare companies with daily access to Telegram’s takedown tools, enabling us to act faster than anyone else. 🔑
- Ultra-Fast Removals in Hours: Content is taken down in just a few hours, ensuring rapid action to protect your brand. ⏱️
- Intensive Follow-Ups: We monitor the situation closely with intensive follow-ups to make sure that your content remains removed. 🔄
- Manual & Automated Takedowns: Combining both manual and automated methods, we offer the most thorough approach to removing infringing content. ⚙️
- Tailored Service for Telegram: We exclusively handle Telegram-based DMCA takedowns, ensuring that we are experts in this specific platform. 📲
Pricing Tiers Based on Group/Channel Size:
- Small (1-5k members) – 250 €
- Medium (5-10k members) – 400 €
- Large (10k+ members) – 500 €
How It Works:
- Provide your original content details to prove ownership.
- Specify the Telegram channel or group you want us to suspend.
- We handle the rest, ensuring fast, effective takedowns! 💨
Important Information:
- We reserve the right to cancel and refund any order without explanation.
- This service is exclusively for Telegram channels and groups.
- Discounts may be available for bulk requests – contact us directly for more information! 💬
Ensure your content stays protected and secure on Telegram with our exclusive, fast, and reliable DMCA takedown service. Your intellectual property deserves the best protection! 🛡️✨
If you have any questions or need more information before making a purchase, feel free to contact us! 📩
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